Inheritance Tax Form 217

Claim for excepted estates to transfer unused Inheritance Tax nil rate band from a late spouse or civil partner to the second spouse or civil partner who has now died.

STEP 1 - Questions about the estate of the spouse or civil partner who died first

Your answers to the following questions will determine whether you can use form IHT217 to claim a transfer of unused nil-rate band.

Q1. Were they domiciled (had their permanent home) in the UK at the date of death ?
Q2. Did they have any jointly owned assets which passed after their death to anyone other than the spouse or civil partner who has died now ?
Q3. Did they make any gifts or other transfers during the 7 years before they died that were not exempt from Inheritance Tax ?
Q4. Was their estate wholly exempt from Inheritance Tax ?
Q5. Were either agricultural and/or business relief deducted either from their estate or from any gifts they made during their lifetime ?
Q6. Did they make any gifts with reservation of benefit other than to the spouse or civil partner who has died now ?
Q7. Did they benefit from a trust during their lifetime ?

STEP 2 - Spouse's or civil partner's details

Fill in this part with details of the spouse or civil partner who died first

Was a grant of representation taken out ?

STEP 3 - Information about the deceased who died second

Fill in this part with details about the person who died second


STEP 4 - Finalisation

This step checks and finalises the information for form IHT217 

£ .00
£ .00

The information you provided does not qualify for IHT217. The Net Estate value is greater than double the nil rate band.
The information you provided qualifies for IHT217. Click on Official Form to obtain the official form complete with your data. This will be emailed to you seperately.
Official Form