ProbateCalc...simplifying Inheritance Tax   Many people who have been appointed executors find the prospect of dealing with an estate very daunting. The Inheritance Tax forms in particular can look complex to complete. The Inland Revenue rules and limits can be overwhelming to understand. Specifically, the Inheritance Tax form IHT205 simply asks for totals and leaves the excutor to work these out for themselves. The fundamental issue is that forms in general take the ‘one size fits all’ approach, by necessity. ProbateCalc aims to simplify the approach by providing a framework within which the executor is guided through a series of worksheets, relevant to the esate, in order to arrive at the totals required. Only those worksheets required are displayed. All calculations, exemptions and totals are generated automatically as you work through. The contextual help at each step reduces the need to sift through generalised information provided by the authorities. At the end of the process, the information is verified and all the totals are put in the correct place on the official inheritance tax form IHT205 (for excepted estates). Most people dislike filling out forms but we believe that the clearer design and intelligent approach in ProbateCalc will give a more enjoyable experience than taking pen to paper. Guy Doms, the founder and pricipal of ProbateCalc, is a trained tax accountant and has worked in information technology for over 16 years in various roles around the world. His analytical skills and blend of experience provide a good basis for the creation of this service.