General This web site is owner and operated by Infonetic Ltd. Our aim . . .is to provide you with a high quality service. If you have any concern about our service, please address it to the email provided to you when you made your purchase. You agree that you have provided up to date information about yourself as requested so that we can provide you with our services. In this document... Form means any form or worsheet published or processed on our web site by us or downloaded by you from our web site."Web Site" means the entire computing hardware and software installation that is or supports our Web Site including any communication or peripheral system. Service means any Form or service provided on our Web Site or by other means. Our Contract These terms apply to all your purchases from us. You agree that you are bound by these terms for all Forms purchased from us, whether ordered through Our Web Site or in some other way. Refund Policy Due to the non-physical nature of the Form we are unable to accept returns or give a refund should you decide not to use a Form that you have purchased. You now agree that if you seek repayment of money paid to us by asking your credit card provider to credit back a payment made to us, you will owe us the sum charged to us by our merchant service provider. Usage of the Service You agree that a Form supplied by us to you by download from our Web Site or by email is solely for your purposes only and that you will not distribute a Form by any means to any third party. You may not copy, modify, publish, transmit, transfer or sell, reproduce, create derivative works from, distribute, perform, display, or in any way exploit the Form, in whole or in part. We accept no responsibility for problems you may have in making payment through a web page of our payment service provider or in down-loading any Form or other Service. We do not suggest any Form is suitable for your particular use. A Form is provided as a template for you to complete, edit and change to suit your circumstances. Forms may include technical or other inaccuracies or typographical errors and it is possible that any advice included in a Form may be incomplete or out of date. We are not responsible for any action you decide to take as a result of using a Form. Our Web Site may contain links to other Internet web sites. We have neither power nor control over any such web site. You acknowledge and agree that we shall not be liable in any way for the Content of any such linked web site, nor for any loss or damage arising from your use of any such web site. We are not liable in any circumstances for special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, loss of data or loss of revenues or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or otherwise, arising out of or in connection with your use of a Form. You agree that you will not, and will not allow any other person to, violate or attempt to violate any aspect of the security of our Web Site. You agree that you will in no way modify, reverse engineer, disassemble, decompile, copy, or cause damage or unintended effect to any portion of our Web Site, or any software used on, and that you will not permit any other person to do so. You understand that any such violation is unlawful in many jurisdictions and that any contravention of law may result in criminal prosecution. Examples of violations are:  - accessing data unlawfully or without consent  - attempting to probe, scan or test the vulnerability of a system or network or to breach security or authentication measures  - attempting to interfere with service to any user, host or network, including, without limitation, via means of overloading, "flooding", "mail bombing" or "crashing"  - forging any TCP/IP packet header or any part of the header information in any e-mail or newsgroup posting  - taking any action in order to obtain services to which you are not entitled You agree to indemnify us against any claim or demand, including reasonable lawyers' fees, made by any third party due to or arising in any way out of your use of our Web Site, or the infringement by you, or by any other person using your computer, of any intellectual property or other right of any person. If any of these terms is at any time held in any jurisdiction to be void, invalid or unenforceable, then it shall be treated as changed or reduced, only to the extent minimally necessary to bring it within the laws of that jurisdiction and to prevent it from being void and it shall be binding in that changed or reduced form. Subject to that, each provision shall be interpreted as severable and shall not in any way affect any other of these terms. Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999. Nothing in any contract to which we are a party shall confer any right to any person not a party to a contract. No waiver by us, in exercising any right, power or provision hereunder shall operate as a waiver of any other right or of that same right at a future time; nor shall any delay in exercise of any power or right be interpreted as a waiver. In the event of a dispute arising out of or in connection with these terms or any contract between you and us, then you agree to attempt to settle the dispute by engaging in good faith with us in a process of mediation before commencing arbitration or litigation. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of England. In compliance with the Electronic Commerce (E.C. Directive) Regulations 2002: Details of the concluded contract will be filed at our discretion.If filed, the details will not be accessible to you.The contract will only be concluded in English  © 2015 Infonetic Ltd. All rights reserved.